awesome game (for sheep lovers)
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On World of Minecraft smp 1ce ive done making it i will have a glass spleef looking arena with 2 sides 1 lava 1 water with a load of sheep on each side i tried making this on single player yogbox it took me a while but i did it i versed a millenair and i WON!!!!LOL even though millenaires only talk and build any ways i thought it would be a good game for sheep lovers if u win there are GREAT PRIZES to be won there is no damage included the water and lava are jsut marks for the people any wayhs the rules are There will be a glass areana a player goes on each side of it there will be a load of sheep there + a chest full of coulourful dys those dys are used in the game in the game u must do a veriety of diff colour sheep and make them white after u finished the person with the most colourfull amount of sheep WINS!!!111 -gateacre out:P

the 1st people to vote and send me messages gets to build with me and gets 2 diamonds ea +u will have special rules for the arena LOL
-gateacre defanatly out:P