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WoM Coins: 696

This isn't a Youtube video persay, but it is an advertisement for a Youtube channel my friends and I have. I recently noticed that our videos are actually good enough that I'd reccommend them, and if you want you can look at our old videos to laugh at our lazy editing and squeaky voices! We play lots of minecraft as well as a few other games and our humour is mostly clean (except videos with Tim (Tabblaster) in them.) We only have about 200 subs and any additional subs will be appreciated. More important than subs to us however are comments especially comments about what we did right/wrong and what you want to watch us play. 

TL;DR: Go to www.youtube.com/minecows

Watch and comment please. :^)

P.S. if you don't like our videos for certain reasons and you feel like you can give constructive criticism please do so, because we want our videos to be as watchable as possible. :)

Suggestions and other things can also be left as replys to this post, I will check it occasionally.
