Mining architectural designs
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Put simply, this thread is (hopefully) going to be used by members of the community to give, discuss and learn mining architectural designs so that everyone involved will be able to learn and better their styles of Minecraft.

What the mining architectural design means is quite simple: how do you dig for minerals? For example you may dig a hole directly down, you may make stairs that slowly descend, or you may even just dig at random until you strike (metaphorical) gold.

To explain your designs best, it may be smart to use pictures or diagrams. After all, just following words for something so visual can be a very, VERY daunting task!

To get things rolling, this design is called a spiral shaft, and it was designed by a very close and awsome friend of mine.

The idea of this design is basic at most, but due to it's size and ease of transport up and down it could easily be one of the best I have seen so far. The design involes making a 4X4 hole going directly down, but with blocks that act like stairs running along the outside of the hole, allowing you to safely rise to the surface or lower to the dark depths to mine. However, it is advised that you make these mines inside (eg. ina  castle or perhaps in the side of a mountain), as without cover mobs could easily get inside to wreak havoc.

# = floor or wall
0 = air (empty space)

F1     ######          B1     ######         B2     ######            B3     ######
         #0000#                   #0000#                   #0000#                     #000##
         #0000#                   #0000#                   #000##                     #0000#
         #0000#                   #000##                   #0000#                     #0000#
         #000##                   #0000#                   #0000#                     #0000#
         ######                   ######                   ######                     ######

B4     ######

I hope to get a good image of the mien also, so you can tell what it looks like without using my terrible diagrams. Hopefully this will be usefull to you, and I hope that some others will help contribute to this thread. After all, it's easier to learn from others than by your own =)!