Hello Minecraft players! We are a group of friends who run an SMP server packed full of features. We have a steadily growing base of players, most of which are active (Watch our for Neko) and are friendly enough to talk to. We have a fully working economy, which enables players to buy and sell items to the server shop. Some players barter between each other as well, while others offer free items to those who need them more. We have a few entrepreneur's on the server who buy plots of land, develop them and sell them off. Everyone has their own role to play in the server and the community all help each other if they are in need. Server information We have a whitelist! So sign up on our forum and post an application. If you think thats stupid, find another server. All information can be found at: http://www.cityofnewhaven.co.uk About joining We dont let anyone just pop in and build. All new players are required to sign up on our forums and post an application. We have a template for the applications so if you stick with that and post some good stuff then you should be given a place in no time. To apply: Go to our forums, sign up and post an application in the "Applications" section. Dont moan about having to apply. If you dont like it, find another server :( Cities We have a few cities, the biggest of which is New Haven.
IP: play.cityofnewhaven.co.uk Forums
Help Guide
New Haven is the main city of the server and has the biggest population. This city was started on 31st October, when the server first opened, and has gradually increased in size since then.
Shinigami Island - PvP Island. This is a new place built soley for PvP. You spawn in a small building, (which is safe), and can then run across a small join to the main island. There are various buildings you can hide in and a big area to fight other players. Dont forget your sword, bow or armour!
Horizon Isle is a private city being developed by a mod called Seraphin, although he has been sucked in to play Aion now so its pretty much a deserted city.
Valleyhaven is the newest city and has the second largest population. This city was founded by a few swedish players who constantly fight with each other, but its all in the name of fun.
Underhaven is...deserted? It was started by Geoper and Neko, although Neko doesnt have enough time to play anymore and Geo is on the verge of giving up :(
There are loads more cities that ive not even seen, thats how fast New Haven was expanding.