Funny... been member for 6 years 21 weeks and haven't done this
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so. well... i have been a member for 6 years 21 weeks and i have never done this so here goes...

Hi i am Kman1
i found World of Minecraft pretty much a few days after finding minecraft, i found minecraft from a site called and played on single player classic for a little bit. getting bored quick, i found out i could go on other servers if i made an account so i did that. i browsed through a few servers and found TheOnes lava survival, played on it for a few days and was having a blast, then a few days later while browsing through the server list i found World of Minecraft: Main and joined. wondered how i could build outside the guest area so i was directed to the site, and through like +/- 30 minutes i got signed up for World of Minecraft. i then wondered how everyone was able to fly and got directed to the World of Minecraft client and through another +/- 30 minutes got the client. back then i was very childish and just acted plain stupid...

i am happy to still be with World of Minecraft even through some of the bad times...