How to Hide Your CMD Window and Also Give An Icon.
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The purpose of this is to show you how to make the World of Minecraft client have an icon and also hide the cmd window (and possibly link it to Steam).

First, download the Bat to Exe Converter. If you are concerned about installing programs, don't worry - there is no installation involved. Just un-zip it to somewhere.

2. Also save the World of Minecraft client icon, found here (right-click and save as). Credit goes to the original maker, Tape.

3. Run the converter.

4. Navigate to the run.bat file in your World of Minecraft folder.
5. Click the "Invisible Application" radio button to hide the cmd window.

6.In the Versioninformations tab, select blockg.ico where it says Icon file.

7. Hit compile and you're done!

So what you've made is an exe file that has an icon and can be renamed to anything you want and that doesn't make a cmd window and can also be added to Steam as a shortcut.