I want to start my contributions
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Well, I play Minecraft since August of 2010. I've been registered on worldofminecraft.com for 13 weeks or so. At first I wanted to download World of Minecraft client, that's it...

Now, I want to learn about Minecraft curiosities, contribute, make my Minecraft name heard... What I did, is read several topics about many things. One of my favourite topics was the one about the extended 2x2 crafting thingy. Or things like the Watermelons or S.lime P.rotection A.gency, help to install MoCreatures (I never could), etc.

I'm also interested in advertising my servers, and, well... contribute, help.

I'm elnegro97. An average Minecraft player with personal ideas.  Op-experienced, and a person happy to go play with others.(That's what she said).lol.
