I'm not going to kill anyone... REALLY
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Hello I'm Firehand94 I like executing nobles, making doomsday devices triggered by wondering kittens and Minecraft.

I generally am on The Ones Lava. I do not own Minecraft, though i wish i did. I figured I answer any questions you have before you think of them. I know you thought of them i went into the future to check.
Q: Will you have my children?
A: Thats impossible, I'm a male.
Q: Can I buy you minecraft?
A: Yes... do it... now
Q: I didn't ask that!
A: Yes you did.
Q: Do you play something other then Minecraft
A: Yes if you can guess the one i referenced you win a picture of a seal.
Q: Can you leave I'm trying to sleep
A: ok.
This will answer all you question. Thank you.