Looking for a host for my minecraft server (read please)
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WoM Member: 184332
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Im looking for a host for my minecraft roleplaying/building server. it will have a currency and quests and a city and all that. my computer isnt good enough at the moment to host (my good computer is broken) and i need someone with over 3 gigs of ram, a decent or better processor and atleast 4 CPU. contact me on skype: ScaryCreepah6503 and windows live messenger:

(i didnt make the email lol, its my lil bros old email. i use it lots)

EDIT: i forgot, you also must have a REALLY GOOD internet connection. there will be over 10 people on the server usually. and also we can work something out. you will have a better chance of becoming an OP if you decide to join the server (like twice as much) and for working something out, we could do like i'll start you off with a lot of money or something.