MechaoHawk Builder Application
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I know there is no such thing as a builder application but this introduces myself to people and shows them my areas of key talent.

My name is Mechao Hawk (The God Killer) and I play minecraft because I love designing, I wish to be an architect in real life one day but I'm stuck with no money in the army ready reserve..... I play Minecraft every night to take my mind of bad things that happen in my life. I am really good at art so sprites are my area of expertise. I am friendly towards most people (most not all) but I go over the top when I get angry so I need to learn to control that..... My big goal is to be one of the Execs. My litttle goal is to be a mod in 1 week and a half. I hope I meet u guys in Minecraft cya Later! =D
     -Mechao Hawk