Metal Gem Craft [1 6 2/1 6 4]
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This mod adds a lot of new ores tools, armor, and able to socket gems to tools to make them more powerful
I will allways keep this mod up to date. there has not been a update to forge for 1.7.2


Metal Gem Craft 1.6.4 Forge:

Metal Gem Craft 1.6.2 Forge:

All Versions

1. Download Forge Installer
2. Run Minecraft at least once and close Minecraft. (Note if you have Skip this step).
3. Run the Forge Installer, and hit OK and forge will be installed.
4. Run Minecraft, and there will be a profile Forge. (Note If you have a different version of forge already installed create a new profile, and under use version for the version you installed.)
5. Run Minecraft when it gets to the main menu quit the game.
6. Download my mod Metal Gem Craft 1.6.4
6. Put the my mod zip file in the mods folder in your .minecraft, or custom location you made.
7. Start Minecraft and done.

Known Bugs
1. If you have enchanted a tool then put a gem on it. It will remove the enchants. (Note. Enchant after you added the gem.)
2. Can't add a gem to a damaged tool must be fully repaired
3. The fortune enchant will not work on custom ores
4. Cant use bars/gems to repair a tool/armor at an anvil, but you can sill use 2 of the same tools/armor to repair at a anvil. (Note. gemed tools must be repaired with the same gemed tool.)

Things Added
Copper Tools
Copper Armor
Bronze Tools
Bronze Armor
Steel Tools
Steel Armor
Silver Tools
Silver Armor
Mithril Tools
Mithril Armor
Nether Iron Tools
Nether Iron Armor
Wither Tools
Wither Armor
Gems For improving all tools but hoes