Military Roleplay(whitelist)
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WoM Member: 675798
WoM Coins: 2

A military roleplay. Please note that abvesco is the owner.
Also, this is being hosted on my server(A medieval server), and I have a military world set up. All rules apply on all worlds. Do not worry about staff rules. Whitelisted.

Version: 1.7.10


1. No Inappropriate language or swearing. Keep Everything family friendly(punishment for not following this rule:Permanent BAN)
2. Respect everyone including yourself(punishment for not following this rule: depending on how much disrespect is shown Kick or ban)
NOTE: You can show disrespect while roleplaying, but in no other case.
3. No inappropriate builds or signs (punishment for not following this rule:Permanent BAN)
5. No greifing or stealing(punishment for not following this rule:Permanent BAN)
5. No hacking mods or anything that gives you an unfair advantage.
(punishment for not following this rule:Permanent BAN)

Character Types:
Strong female(1 available)
Strong male(1 available)
1 Weapon designer (specify male or female)
2 Intelligence/technicians
1 Captain

In Game Name(IGN):
I have read and agreed to the rules:
Why I want to roleplay:
Character Type:
Character name:
Character backstory: