PVPZone [Unlocks] [Spells] [Classes] [CTF] [Level-ups] [Dungeon]
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How do I Play?


Join the server: war.pvpzone.org:25600

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Type /warhub and choose a map!(Tip: join the most populated one!)

In PVPZone you can choose from up to 10 unique and powerful classes to take into any battle. You do not have to commit to a single class, you can switch on a whim whenever you want! Pick your favorites and unlock their newer spells to own even harder!

Fighters start off as one of the most basic classes, simple hack and slash. However, as you progress the fighters arsenal grows greatly. His short range puts him at odds against many of the ranged classes, however as you unlock more spells he gains the ability to not only force enemies to come to him, but also to swiftly reach an enemy that is in a medium-range from him. He is also the king of one vs one melee battles, with stunsword and flamesword giving him the advantage.

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Fighter

Tanks are the ultimate defensive class. They are built to last with their survival-oriented spells. They are not only one of the best front-line classes in warzones but also excel in Mob Arena with their many mob attracting spells, keeping their enemies safe in the arena and from enemy minions.

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Tank

Spies are based around being unseen by the bewildered opponents. With some disables, good maneuvering, and fast ranged weapons, they're all around good units in almost anything. Take advantage of their disarming and web-binding abilities while using vanish to cross behind enemy lines in order to completely dominate the opposing team from the inside out!

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Spy

Archers are the ultimate rangers. They can snipe enemies from almost anywhere, and if they need some extra space, they have maneuvering skills to get away from the enemy, or even push them back. Combining their amazingly fast accuracy with their magical abilities like explodeshot or lightningarrows will make you the king of the battlefield!

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Archer

Gunslingers, the newest edition to PVPZone and one of the hardest classes to play. Powerful skills like sniper and the blaster shotgun make them powerful in anyone's hands, but having the accuracy and taking advantage of the blaster's knockback capabilities is what sets aside the noob from the pro.

see more http://pvpzone.wikis....com/Gunslinger

Depending on the play-style, Elementals can do the highest burst damage in the game using spells like freeze and fireball3 allowing instant, fast paced and risky kills. Alternatively they can be played from further back as a ranger, using spells like lavageyser and fireball2 to pick off enemies from afar.

see more http://pvpzone.wikis...s.com/Elemental

Warlocks is one of the strongest support classes. Trapping enemies, disabling their attacks, and conserving their mana greatly. Alternatively warlocks can deal a very good stream of constant damage to the enemies and summon a variety of minions to help them battle.
see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Warlock

PVPZones most hated class, and the griefers favorite class. Their main weapon being TNT and traps makes them a fun class. Planting landmines in tactical areas and setting up well planned traps can disable enemy attacks from an entire side of a map. Anarchist traps also excel in defensive play. Played correctly, Anarchist can wipe out a enemies lifepool extremely quickly, or their own lifepool if they aren't careful.

see more http://pvpzone.wikis...s.com/Anarchist

Builders can make fortifications to support their team, or trap their enemies in endless buildings. In some maps builders are the most vital class, building bridges, defensive structures, and supplying their team with potions, arrows, and even TNT. They can also instantly turn the tides of the battle with well placed portals.

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Builder

Healers are the best team player, because of their heals and buffs. Healers are a vital part of every team, providing their team with powerful disorienting spells like powerblink, or simply giving a friendly fighter a speed and strength buff. Healers have the highest mobility of any class, making them tough to hunt down. They are also capable of one vs one combat by utilizing their high movement capabilities to kite enemies.

see more http://pvpzone.wikispaces.com/Healer


  • Be courteous and respect others.                            
  • Don’t use any tools to give you an unfair advantage                    
  • NO hacks or mods!
  • Don’t grief your own team.                      
  • Spammers will be auto-banned.                          
  • No abusing exploits
  • No littering! This means throwing down items anywhere (unless for authorized events in the event room) is not allowed. Use “/clear”, “/clear -a”, or the trash can at warhub.
  • Have fun!

Notice: Access the majority of these in-game with “/rules”.

The Maps:
Many maps are added and are constantly being made, Here are some spotlights!

Check out our full map list!