Remote IO Mod 1 6 4/1 7 2
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Remote IO Mod 1.6.4

Remote IO let’s the player think outside the blocks; no longer are you limited to only six sides. The concept is simple… the possibilities endless.

The Remote IO’s can be linked to any block with an inventory… imagine this: four separate quarries all outputting into a unique Remote IO linked to a single chest. Gone are the days of pipes! You are also able to link the Remote IO to machines and even use them with fluids! Feature updates will also include support for the various energy systems that exist, and other potential features that are just on the edge of my mind.

As this is the first release, more features are on the way. There are also bound to be bugs and several features may require major balancing. Feel free to leave a comment and share your opinions; what should be changed, added or removed?
