Sup. I am a Project Vanilla goer.
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I won't be posting much, but when I do, I want people to know some backround. My name is Stephen, I am currently 15 (birthday 10/6) and I love the server Project Vanilla (classic mc). I am mostly a classic minecraft fan, but when I do play the Premium version, I usuall y do singleplayer survival. I love playing tennis, am very fit, and will never lose in chess. I have 8 siblings and my house is a madhouse. I enjoy building, messing with electrical stuff, and my future job will either be: Engineer, contractor, electician, programmer, airplane pilot, or architect/CAD. I am a great person when you get to know me, and am a pretty funny person to whom I trust. I know probably more then the average minecraft when dealing with programming, but am no where near a pro. I also sorta suck at multiplayer survival.