United Craft [1.2.5] [WHITELIST] [24/7] [FRIENDLY] [SURVIVAL][PVE][MOB ARENA]
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 433776
WoM Coins: 2

United Craft is a server full of mature players who enjoy working together.

We encourage anyone who enjoys survival to come and join us.
The server is hosted out of Los Angeles Califoria and is up 24/7.
  • The Rules are:
  1. No Griefing
  2. No Stealing
  3. No Hacking
  4. No PVP unless both parties agree beforehand
  • The Plugins are:
  1. Lockette
  2. LWC
  3. Essentials
  4. WorldSaver
  5. EM Creeper
  6. No Cheat
  7. PermissionsEx
  8. MobArena
If you want to be a part of United Craft just leave a reply below consisting of your...
  • IGN-
  • Why you want to join-