Waaaay Too Many Minecraft Let's Plays/Commentaries
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I've been an active user of YouTube for over a year now, and I've recently noticed a huge number of Minecraft Let's Plays/Commentaries being posted.  Some succesful, some not so successful. 
I absolutely loved SeaNanners' "Let's Play" commentaries, but frankly, I'm starting to get annoyed with the number of others that are now making their own. 
Is it just me, or does it seem like a massive overuse of Minecraft Let's Plays and Commentaries is becoming far to many channel's primary video output?  Plus, a vast majority of these videos seem to all be the same thing and contain almost identical content, that is-introduce yourself/what you are doing, build something, crack a couple jokes, end episode, make ANOTHER episode, continue what you were building or whatever, and then do the same thing over again. 
Now I'm sure there are some channels that are creating more unique and entertaining Let's Plays and Commentaries than others, and I fully support those, but I'm not going to lie, unless you have a unique talent or idea for these kinds of Minecraft videos, DON'T make them.  Does anyone else agree with me?