Idea for texture pack? Tell me!
To install texture packs in your WoM Minecraft Client Wrapper easily, please see this topic:
Installing textures easily!
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 144733
WoM Coins: 96

i want to make a texture pack, but i need ideas, mw2, candyland, etc.
post your ideas in the comments and you might get too beta test it :)
(make it not like other texture packs)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 191368
WoM Coins: 0

I'm thinking something like a Stone-Age type thing.

Where steel is copper,
Swords are clubs, and a stone sword are a club with stone spikes from it, ETC,

Be imaginative, it might actually be good idea.

You could make a furnace, a camp fire?

There are many possibilites

WoM Member
WoM Member: 198675
WoM Coins: 0

Autumn Leaves

Smooth Dirt with greenish-orange grass
Wooden door that has a curly edges in the 'window' (if that makes sense)
Iron Door like a cell or cage door.
Wooden planks with a bit of dust on them
Stone half blocks that are smooth instead of cobble stone (if possible)
Old wooden bed with brown sheets and white pillow?
Blackish Obsidian-like bedrock
For a diamond sword it'd be nice to have a gold streak up the back of the sword
Clay which is smooth white looking
Sand which is more like a red desert sand rather than yellow beach sand.
Orangish green creeper
Chest with a gold paint curling around it.
If any of this makes sense

WoM Member
WoM Member: 188720
WoM Coins: 13

What about western style?

like you have trees look like cacti change the cacti colors to a more vivid green, change water to a deep blue, wood could be like a dusty brown color, beds could be changed to have maybe a design on the blanket... you know make it look western

WoM Member
WoM Member: 198837
WoM Coins: 4
8 bit PCB

No, not the drug...
8 bit circuit boards... I'm not sure how you could do it exactly, but that'd be awesome to have like circuits, capacitors and other components!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 199257
WoM Coins: 0

Tropical/jungle stuff

or like a deserted islands kinda theme
like :
light blueish greenish water
Palm trees
bright sand
jungle like terrain
dark gray rocks
tools made of wood and string or jungle vine
animals with big eyes
sugar cane turn to something like bamboo
wheat could be really big leafed plants
really ragged wood door
ores could be what ever looks best
and stuff like that