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lunick i have been banned because my sister was on my account and one pinched of ur  diamonds so ssdfre said that u were the only one that could

unban so if u could please unban me that it would be great

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ssdfre Isn't a moderator which is why he couldn't help you. And you realize that people use siblings as an excuse daily? If you want a chance your going to have to give Lunick more than just your sibling causing trouble

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he came to me asking about it and i told him what he needs to do since he was ban by an admin so he needs to wait for Lunick to come on and unban him so he is taking the right course of action so shh

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I thought it was strange for you to grief

Please consider using the /login function of the server to stop other people using your account because if this happens again you won't get unbanned so easily. 
I can't unban you at the moment as I'm on my way to school but if another staff member sees this then they can unban you

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thank u lunick ill make sure my sister doesnt use my account again


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You are now unbanned, have fun :D