Hey Everyone,
Since then I have made a html permission for the site, bellow is an example for a user on my clan realm:

yea haha i was bored
The server is made up of Lua scripts, not Java files.
https://github.com/norganna/WoMRealmsScripts I suggest you look here at the other commands that are available on the server :)
Hi dAimon i need Help to Write Java
Please accept this change:
The edit you made here certainly looks like one that anyone could have easily made (btw you didn't add banned to the possible options in the help text, but that's beside the point). Certainly this would change the possible parameters for the grant command in game, but I'm pretty sure more goes on behind the scenes than the command shell itself(I.e what happens when a user is granted restricted). So it looks like this edit does nothing to help with the actual coding of what happens when a user is banned. It looks like for that triddin would need to create a value for banned from a realm (you have -2, could be whatever I assume) and use the existing realm kick method or a slight variation on it to handle what happens when a user tries to log into a realm that they are banned from.
That being said I think this is a pretty good idea for situations like yours especially.
Wow you only started playing 10 days ago and your tech? I think we have a "new wolftone1916" on World of Minecraft realms XD. Anyway I love your idea and I would also like that to be coded :). I cant believe a clan did that!? I would really like to know which one. Anyway good luck on getting this coded!
Thanks. Yea I have been playing many long days. :P
Hey I think that it's a great idea... Some people (like you) need some sort of ban because others are just jealous. (cause you're in a coolies clan and they're not XD) I heard some of the clan members that did that talking about it just today... I mean, C'mon who DOESN'T like your realm!?
The clan that did that is ... JBI or so I heard.
i like your avatar dandog
Yea thanks
If you're gonna use the kick command as a template, you should take out the lines
if not isOnline then
return false, "That user is not online"
if mapFile ~= detail.mapFile then
return false, "User is not on this map"
and replace this line
username, userLevel, adminLevel, clanId, isOnline, mapFile = exists(name)
with this one
username, userLevel, adminLevel, clanId, = exists(name)
for starters, so that the user could be banned when he is not online, the only real thing that makes this one better is that it adds an admin note to the user. Which could possibly also be added in the grant command specifically for being granted banned.
But as far as I can tell, triddin will still have to code the actual thing that occurs when a user is banned.
Didnt think of that
local lib = register ("rban")
local detail = lib.detail
if detail.adminLevel < 1 then
local result, message = lib:perms("Admin", "Visitor", "Support")
if result == false then return result, message end
if detail.parameter == "" then
return false, "Syntax: /rban USER REASON"
name, reason = split(detail.parameter, " ", 2)
if not reason then
return false, "Please supply a reason for the action"
//not sure if mapFile goes here or not, I think so though
username, userLevel, adminLevel, clanId, mapFile = exists(name)
if not username then
return false, "Unknown user: "..name
if username == detail.username then
return false, "Don't be silly! Why would you do that?"
if adminLevel > 1 or userLevel >= 99 then
return false, "You can not ban staff"
local userMapLevel = mapaccess(detail.mapFile, username)
if userMapLevel and userMapLevel >= 10 then
return false, "You can not ban the realm owner"
addnote(username, 'realmban', 'who=' .. detail.username .. ";action=banned;reason="..reason)
//for kickban this may need editing, i'm no lua expert, just giving it a go.
if mapFile==detail.mapFile then
local detail = lib.detail
perform("playermessage", "Banning " .. username .. " from this realm")
perform("mapchange", "other", "chat", "", username)
perform("rban", username)
perform("messageto", username, "You have been banned from this realm")
perform("adminmessage", detail.username.." banned"..username.."\n - "..reason)
//for ban when user is not on the map
function (perform)
perform ("playermessage", "Banning " .. username .." from this realm")
perform ("rban", username)
perform("adminmessage", detail.username.." banned"..username.."\n - "..reason)
lib.help('moderate', 'rban', 'bans user from your world', '/rban USER REASON')
Triddin would still need to code for what happens when someone is rbanned, but I think that this one should work (with some minor editing) as the basic command shell for a kickban and a regular rban. Somewhere there might need to be a level assigned to the user, as dan had before -2 or something like that, so that the user is no longer allowed into the map, or is automatically kicked upon entry, but that may be something that triddin can (or has to) do beyond the command shell.
Does it blend?
You realize Runescape bots are illegal.
You are wrong.
im sorry for what happend , even if it was our group , idk wat happened , i was also never part , i never griefed in my life , i had been gone for a week , but im sorry to hear that :(
At least you are good enough to admit it was wrong and apologize
hey hi im user josh15 asking if u could please ban miner7254. because he was griefing on my realm today.
Some World of Minecraft Realms staff need to read this thread. This needs to be included to the server. The remove all button was, a thread with less views. Please staff.
The staff read every single topic that gets posted up here, if they have not taken any action, that means that they do not think that the ideas are good enough to be implemented, either that or they are working to make the ideas as we type.
Cheers :)
Are we going to end up with a /ban command added in the server? :/
I doubt they will add any ban command for users.
I think it will be abused... No need for it either :)
it would be abused by a LOAD of ppl and cause ban files to be flooded
now i do disagree with the no need for it, sometimes i want to ban some IDIOT that just wont stop asking me to grant them after saying "no" and several kicks, YES IK ABOUT LOCKING, i dont have prem now and im not wasting it on freem anymore, as it ends up as a 5,000,000 waste for me.
Its not going to be a /ban command. Its going to be a permission for your realm which deny's a player access to your realm. E.g /grant [EpicNoob] [banned]. Therefore that player will not be allowed in your realm.
that command could be useful to some people because from my gaming experience in realms. there are some real duckheaded players out there that wouldn't leave you alone... and keeps on annoying u by going in your realm. and when you kick them, they can just go back in...
In my opinion.. No need for it :)
You can lock your realm if you have Premium.
You can also report them to staff.
Ok. Well that's fine then. Everyone has different opinions.
I agree with dan. Locking your realm keeps everyone out. and when someone wants to go in they usualy go "hey <your name here>, how come i can't go in your realm?" or "hey <your name here, Unlock your realm!!!"
u know u dont need to grant them admin just to let them in a locked realm, i tested this a while ago and u only need to grant them build+ to get them in. yes that can still be a hassle for having to type it. even when the guy has like a confusingly long name and have to type it 5 times
Let's get some facts straight, saying "This is not a ban command, just simply stopping people coming into my realm".
Mate, that is what we call a ban command. What I find funny is that you have even called it a banned command... You just sound stupid saying it's not a ban command it's just banning people from your realm... derp derp derp.
Next.... How can people build on your realm if you haven't granted them permission? Is it a freebuild or something? If so tough luck, deal with it... It is your own fault.
"A day or so ago my realm was attacked by Members of a clan in hope to make my realm a lower rank" <---- that is not how it works, if you get griefed it doesn't affect your rank score.
If you don't want it to be griefed, turn off freebuild.
Next point... Implementing a new command like a ban is not as easy as updating some lua and adding html to the site... Let's get that straight now... that part would take like 3 minutes to do. The LUA scripts that you guys find necessary to write (and are wrong) are just plugins... plugins! To actually implement the code it would take a few hours changing code in the backend of the software which is not java or lua but in fact C. We would also have to alter the database with a new table and a few rows.
Also kman is right, you don't need to grant them admin to let them in............................................... herp herp herp!
Will this command be implemented? Probably not.. Why won't it be implemented:
Once banned they will start whinging and talking to you on global... (Why you ban me? Unban me?, Wah Wah Wah!) Next you clowns will ask us to implement another command, where someone has been banned that you have permanently ignored them and you can't see anything they type.... Next you'll be in a another realm with them and you can see them and interact, causing Realm Wars... Which I see going two way, you fight and fight and fight... One of you get banned from realms! Next you will come back to the forums asking that once you have banned someone from your realm they are permanently ignored from you at all times..... <---- Never going to happen.
However; this is all possible to do, but it takes time, a lot of time. With a quick calculation off the top of my head this would take triddin and I about 12 hours+ to implement...
Now I will run this by triddin, no promises!
Yep, he's right dan. I knew it would take a lot of coding on the back end to get the command up and running, (perhaps not 12 hours, that's not something I'd ever ask for). When I wrote the lua script that I wrote I knew full well that it was nothing but the shell for the real command and was really just trying my hand with the language more than anything else (because I know just how easy that part is to do and knew that you guys really needed no help with it). Perhaps its not really my place for a reply here, but I just had to express that I never underestimated the work that goes into coding a server nearly as much as to post a lua script and stick a copyright on it and expect that to work out just fine (or edit the html code on a webpage and expected that to work out just fine, I must say that I laughed when I saw that).
Whether the command gets added or not really doesnt make a difference to me, I can't see myself ever using it, but I'm sure some would like to have it. Either way I totally appreciate the work that is done with this server (and the World of Minecraft client for that matter) and know that its nowhere near as easy as some seem to think it is.
<3 moujave
they would get pissed off, bug u to hell, getting a perm ignore just for them to make an alt account to do it all over again... wars here we come XD
WoM Coins: 529
What's with putting a capital at the start of every word?