Installing textures easily!
So this is my 5th texture pack (2nd publicly released, 4th for classic)
After much decision I decided to share this one with you.
It is by no means "perfect" but if you like it and want me to make more
I have tons of time to make these and can do them in about 2-5 hours.
I can do x16 x32 x64 and x128. The x16-x32 take about 2 1/2 hours to do
x64 takes about 4 hours to do and x128 takes about 5 1/2 hours to do.
Please, Do not request texture packs as these take up too much of my time,
considering I can only be on the computer for 2 hours a day. However,
I enjoy doing these and if enough people like my work I can make more.
To use this rename it to "terrain" without quotation marks and place it in
LOL sorry this is a HUGE post for 1 texture pack :P
WoM Coins: 112
Heres a screenshot with every block exept

adminium shown (sorry about all the text in the way)