Curious Dad Trying to Learn...
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Minecraft Dad
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HI, this looks like the right place to ask this question and if not tell me where I can post it please.

My 7 yr old son has moved from Temple Run which I could play to Minecraft on iOS 6 which I'm just not grasping. When he "teaches" me its not making sense and he ends up doing rather than showing...and at 7 that's understood. I want to be involved and play these games with him so can someone point out good reference(s) please.

I've tried Wiki and the official Web site and found this place which seems to be the best place I can ask and learn. I'm not trying to beat him or master it but enough to get through, play and know what the hell I'm talking about since he talks in creepers, zombies, Paz, iron, etc.. And the game seems cool enough if I could get the basics of operation, on HOW to do/build/mine.

The object I think/see is to build and protect and mine but... I have him on unlimited and/or safe mode so they're less "violence" but I'm not sure if its necessary as the graphics appear to be limited on purpose...

OK, I think you get the idea, please direct me and help me get this game, thank you in advance!

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For starters, playing on safe mode because of violence is kinda pointless. The amount of graphic violence in this game is 0, compared to tv shows and other video games that i'm sure he will be exposed to soon if he hasn't been already. There's no blood or anything like that, it's basically just swinging your little pixelated sword at something till it just kinda falls over dead. So crank up the difficulty and let him loose!

Next, when you're in unlimited mode, there's no point in mining or anything like that, because you already have all the materials you need. It's basically just a building game, breaking and building blocks to make whatever your heart desires. I always call this mode the "Lego" mode. Essientially it's just legos on the computer. Legos that don't obey the laws of physics, and can float in the sky if you want them to. But still the only thing here is to just build, and play.

In non unlimited mode, it gets a bit more complicated. Mining for any resourses. Fending off attacks from creepers, spiders, skeletons, zombies at night. Think of this more of a survival game. You can still build, but it's basically just "Get what you need and bunker down to make it through each night." Crafting is used to make armor and weapons that will help protect yourself, and help you live longer. You can also plant seeds that will grow into wheat which can be made into food, so you don't starve to death in your shelter. 

As for how, everything is done by clicking it. However, to mine things, first you have to get something that is strong enough to actually break it. When you first start, it's really just a bit of walking through a forest punching trees till they break. Wood is a valuable resource no matter how long you've been playing, and it's the first thing you need. should help explain where to go from there, and if you want an easy way to learn how to make things out of your materials, I would keep open at all times. 

I hope this helps, I always love seeing people trying to get more involved with what their kids are playing, and feel free to comment back here with any more questions!