Football's SMP
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 66307
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Hey, guys!
Footballstar76 here to introduce you to my new SMP server - but don't fret! It's already well developed, being weeks old!

Check us out at
But please realize we will be down until Sunday, due to my going on vacation.
We've got a side of the world purely dedicated to playing legit, worlds for redstone wiring, and massive land available for private use and exploring!
We welcome you to Football's SMP!
P.S., check out the texture pack we made custom!
NOTE: Images used include images from in use with customizer, as well as self-edited images by myself. We do not claim credit for the images themselves, only the arrangement of them.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 66307
WoM Coins: 0
Also, dont forget out

Also, dont forget out forums!