Free Minecraft Game Servers - Yes, it is 100% FREE!
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 681672
WoM Coins: 14

Dear World of Minecraft,

I'm back again. Loved how I got flamed last time and questioned whether we could run this operation or not. 5 months down the line and we are still offering free servers for people to use. Our actions speak louder than our words.

Basically if you're looking to just play with your buddies and mess around and create a world just for you in your free time without wanting to dish out $ for a server, we would be your solution.

Also on Wednesday we are offering 5 dedicated servers with no expiry time on them with 50 slots available. This is 100% free and purely cost out of our pocket. Only requirement:
-Able to maintain 10-20 active players on the server at all times.


Got questions? Put them below. Everything that leads to flame, questions on how and why we are running it for free, will be ignored.

Server Technician
Community Managers
WoM Member: 22852
WoM Coins: 776

So you still can't provide statistics on your servers and won't answer logical questions on them.
But you're coming back to point out that you still exist by posting in the wrong forum?

Be straight up with people or leave mate.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 681672
WoM Coins: 14
1024 Mb RAM is provided per

1024 Mb RAM is provided per user. Each server holds 20GB of ram.

What statistics do you want?

Server Technician
Community Managers
WoM Member: 22852
WoM Coins: 776

So you expect people to be able to maintain 10-20 active people at all times on a MC server allocated 1 gig of RAM?

What bandwidth does each server get?

It seems like a laggy experience.

What happens to someones server if they can't maintain that number of players?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 681672
WoM Coins: 14
spudsrus, I was describing


I was describing the current service. Current service offers servers with 1GB of RAM each with slots up to 10 players.

The servers that will run as "dedicated" for a handful (5) of selected players will each have 5GB of RAM.

We are offering both as free, so the only requirement for the "dedicated" servers is to maintain players on it.

Details on BW and specs per server to follow.

Server Technician
Community Managers
WoM Member: 22852
WoM Coins: 776

Maybe provide the ip of an existing server you host that has the same specs that players can expect.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 681672
WoM Coins: 14
Coming back with more

Coming back with more details:

-Each server use around 2-4M bandwidth, max ~8M.

Disk: 2 x 1T or 2T SATA disk
Raid: software Raid 1
CPU: 1 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5506 @ 2.13GHz

Serverlist can be found here:

We have not updated it with how many active players are in the servers, but these are user generated.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 684259
WoM Coins: 35
I may be quite new in

I may be quite new in Minecraft, as well as on these forums, but having been online for a while (and as in real life certain things learned and noticed can't be unlearned or unnoticed) all I see with this offer is the way it's, well, offered.
To me I catch one semi-important detail: This offer seems rather generic. If I'm wrong, great as I do need to learn Minecraft ways as I have other games of the past. If I'm right then this truly isn't a wasted post.
Your turn...

WoM Member
WoM Member: 681672
WoM Coins: 14
Not sure what you mean

Not sure what you mean here...? :) Our site is generic if you compare it to the handful of other hosters out there, however, we provide more benefits on our site. It still provides a platform for someone to use and test their plugins and game with their friends without actually paying out of their own pocket :)