hacks and spawning items in servers
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 64118
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Guys i wanted to ask how i can enable the option to spawn blocks and other items in my smp server. Also I saw one guy on youtube use an ak47 instead of a bow(probably messed around with the graphics) but how can i do this. I only got minecraft a few days ago and would really appreciate someone helping me out on this one.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 1165
WoM Coins: 28

Hey Dantheman1309,

For your second question, the ak47 would be a result of client-side custom skins/models.

You can use the official minecraft forum as a great resource for texture and skin packs for this sort of stuff. On there, you'll also be able to find instructions on how to install the packs etc. too.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 64118
WoM Coins: 0
ok i found out how to edit

ok i found out how to edit and replace the texture but where in the minecraft files do i find the bow.png cuz its not there