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WoM Member
WoM Member: 382423
WoM Coins: 4


We have existed for over a year, bringing the best roleplay experience to minecraft that you will find.  We started early on in minecraft smp when smp was considered unplayable. We have our own lore, written by assigned writers which creates a special role-play atmosphere and its own story.


Website:  Havengaming.net
IP: mc.havengaming.net:2582
Team Speak 3: havengaming.net:8887
  1. Don´t get banned!
  2. Do not speak out of character except in the out of character channel (prefaced by a [bracket)
  3. Do not use hacks or cheats to gain an unfair advantage
  4. If you notice a tree somehow does not chop down realistically, chop it down manually
  5. If you notice a torch does not burn out, or disappear, remove it after some time
  6. Do not spam redstone torches in hopes of having light, they do not prevent the spawning of monsters, anyway
  7. Do not overuse glowstone. It is a commodity so treat it as such!
  8. Do not leave floating objects of any kind, unless there is a lore-defined reason as to why the object could float. E.g. all houses must be on stilts if they are to be in the air, or suspended somehow
  9. All paths must be two wide, always
  10. All building`s ceilings must be three or higher-you must always be able to jump in a man-made area!
  11. Build mostly realistically, but with a sense of fantasy and mystery! Building a magical floating building with a base of diamond and obsidian with treasures inside for the taking is more than acceptable, however...building a giant obsidian wall that is horrifically ugly with no purpose other than you dug out a bunch of obsidian is not!
  12. If you see a build that is questionable or against a quest, find out who built it. Then see if it fits the lore and quests. If it doesn´t, fix it. Dont contact an admin or complain about it, just fix it. Haven is all of ours and we must all take care of each other, even when we fall short.
  13. Post your ideas, lore and quests on the forum!

We are currently launching Haven Minecraft server 2.0 which will be the most epic and best experience we have had so far.
It features:
  • A new map
  • More lore
  • Story based quests
  • New role-play mods 
  • Dungeons
  • Hopefully new members!
Come join us!

Haven gaming includes everything you need to role-play in one nice neat package, whenever you speak normally your in character.  If you want to say something out of character ( something your guy in minecraft wouldn't know about ) use a bracket.  Ex.  [I like chicken pot pie.


Apprenticeship is our way of initiating member statuses. You'll first join the game as a vagrant, without the ability to do anything; e.g. building and destroying. If a high ranking member is online, he can make you his apprentice, which will then allow you to do anything a regular member can do. 

However, you must stay within the 50 block radius of your mentor who is responsible for showing you the ropes and telling you how the server operates. If you leave the radius, you will be teleported back to him. If you or your mentor happens to log out during the time that you are his apprentice, your apprenticeship link will be broken, and you will become a vagrant again. If, during your time as an apprentice, your mentor saw you fit to be on your own, he will grant you your member status and you will be free to roam about Haven.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 382447
WoM Coins: 2

I am newish and would like to join? May I and how do I connect it keeps saying connection time out when I try your IP mc.havengaming.net?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 89667
WoM Coins: 7
Sorry the server is going

Sorry the server is going through technical updates, It should be up this week possibly tomorrow.