Hax not activating
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 46270
WoM Coins: 0

Ok, so I log in using all of the right info, I see the server lists and such and I select a nice freebuild server that my friends are on and they can use hax but I can't. The "enable hax" is checked but it still doesn't work. It stopped working after I got accidentally banned from my friend on his own server, but ever since it hasn't worked anywhere else. I have noticed that this message seems to spam itself as I choose a server:

Failed to poll device: Device is released.

I have no idea why it won't work and I've redownloaded the file too and it still doesn't work. I also have all of the files in the right place so wtf is goin on?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 21585
WoM Coins: 21
It is possible that you are

It is possible that you are specced. go on a World of Minecraft server to check this.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 40216
WoM Coins: 15
You have been Spectated

Hello there,

To answer your question, Your client will not run the hacks because you are currently spectated. You have been such since July 30th.
The reason (As to why HeavenWolf712) was spectated is that it is a suspected alternate account to ShadowWolf712, which was Spectated the same day for Grief in CityBuild. To have this lifted, Please appeal here on the website.
To answer why it has been "released", your client has been disabled because you are a spectator.