Hello, dear Minecraftians I kindly ask of you, a free copy, for I am poor and irish
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WoM Member
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Okay, so, here I am, a 15 year old guy with only 30 bucks a month on his shoulders. There's been money issues in my family, and I had to give the money to my father so that he could pay the rent. Well, not all of the money, but rather a large sum of it. However, the next month won't have this horrendous of an economy, and we'll be fine.

However, now I only have 3 bucks left. Not enough for Minecraft, which I have been craving for the last month or so.

I have never begged for anything before from anyone, except the occasional cookie and comic book when I was a kid. So this is my first time asking for a gift.

I could wait until next month, but my short temper and horrible patience won't allow it. If a kind soul out there is sitting on a gift, that they don't know what to do with, here's a poor guy who could use a little hand.
Of course, there's the part where nobody will gift something of that value to a simple person like me, because I registered today, and have only this post. But I can promise you activity in this forum, as soon as I get my hands on the creative tools. (I am aware of Minecraft classic, which I've been playing the last week, nonstop. But it's just not enough.)

And I sign off from this thread with a salute to all the people out there with a heart. I shall give birth to your babies if you happen to gift me this game of awesome, even if that would be against the laws of nature - in so many ways...

Thanks for reading this incredibly long piece of begging

WoM Member
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