Hey, I'm new here!
2 replies [Last post]
WoM Member
WoM Member: 657333
WoM Coins: 23

Just curious for anyone out there who has done videos in the past if I'm on the right track or if I could do something different.


This is my third Let's Play episode. Feedback is much needed and appreciated as people see too shy now adays :)



WoM Member: 397304
WoM Coins: 232
Why don't you

Make a video on te server? Regular lets play is boring.. And really overused. Think outside the box, maybe create something on the server related and how to make money on it, that's something I would watch. Other wise your competing with the high youtubers like yogs cast who will obviously win on views and take your subscribers

WoM Member
WoM Member: 657914
WoM Coins: 2
It was relaxing to listen to.

It was relaxing to listen to. lol

I would tune back in just for the sound.

Maybe you could be the Bob Ross of Minecraft?

"We'll just put a little torch.....here...... A happy little torch."