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WoM Member
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but obviously not gone for good, also if you happen to be higher staff, id like to take this oppertunity to apologise about the recent scene i caused with the whole DES thing....i honestly didnt mean for you all to know, especially not for you to go on a whole disscussion over me :S i dont know about now, but back then that was a big deal....also saer i truly am sorry, i didnt know it ment something to you. As many might know i joke around a bit when i feel its appropriate, tho occasionally i misjudge such things. i made a mistake baseing my expectations of World of Minecraft now off of past experiance, it has grown larger, and it has been improved. like small towns to large citys, this growth begets immense diffrences. mostly tho, i feel like citys it has become less like a family and friendly, to more like a actuall staff and buissness-like.

also maybe another screwup in the making XD, im typing this on a DSi at 2 AM, so excuse me if i appear a bit off :S

The main point is, guise sorry for creating drama. saer sorry for messing with your story. i am unworthy,cast me into the dungeoun so that i may pay for my blashpamy,heresy,madness,sparta?* limps away *

WoM Member
WoM Member: 84
WoM Coins: 0
DOH, by another screwup i

DOH, by another screwup i mean this poast :3 not World of Minecraft

WoM Member
WoM Member: 297
WoM Coins: 49
