Hey you, Wanna help us get ready?
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Community Managers
WoM Member: 295547
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I know everyone is extremely eager to get on the 1.8 map as soon as possible, and all of us staff are working hard on that! However, I was wondering if any of players were interested in helping us come up with a design for an in game banner to represent World of Minecraft, to hopefully be used around the spawn area. Banners are a new feature in 1.8, so a good banner for the 1.8 map seems to fit very well!

I found this site: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner which allows you to easily design a banner that can be spawned in game. Keep in mind that you can use as many layers as you want, since we obviously will just be spawning these into the game.

For those extra creative people, it could also look nice to have three or more banners that when next to each other made up one image.

Let me know what you guys think and what you can come up with! (The site I posted comes with a convenient share link so you can easily show us whatever you come up with!

Bonus tip: Stacking the same layer of the same color directly on top of itself makes that layer have crisper corners and becomes more defined.

WoM Member: 337746
WoM Coins: 696
WoM Member: 389246
WoM Coins: 258
World of Minecraft flags

W: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=paagagagphphphphasay
O: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=paasayaEaf
M: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=paaFaFaFaFpGpGpGpGasay
World: http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=eacuaiaEafaEafaEafaiai

[IDEA]: Since it's WORLD of Minecraft it would be cool to have banners of flags from different countries hanging around somewhere.