Hosting Hunger Games (xbox360)
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 585738
WoM Coins: 1

Me and my friends just finished making a Hunger games map and need some people to test it, so I will be hosting a map for about two hours.

Send friend requests to GT: KannibalCadaver

It will be set on a difficulty, there are traps, and you can vote whether or not to have a grace period at the beginning of the game.

  • RULES:
  • Only one player can win The Hunger Games.
  • You can not break any blocks, expect for leaves and mushrooms.
  • Your inventory must be empty before you start the game.
  • No player is allowed to enter the host house.
  • You can tame only one wolf per game.
  • You can team up.

Anyone not following the rules will be banned from the server.

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This belongs in non-World of Minecraft servers. I will move this topic for you.