how i can find materials
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hi all im newbie on minecraft , i want find materials for build house but i dont know how i can take materials, where i can take it?

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First off good sir, you must trek over the rainbow, and then thou must findeth the pot of gold. Then thou shalt, sell the gold to a troll for triple the moneys. Then with the moneys you hath made, hire a witch to kill Snow Whiteth. Then thou art able to take her houseth, which meanith, no needth to buildith  .-.

WoM Member: 356858
WoM Coins: 794

Silly Combz, everybody knows that you don't trek over a rainbow, you ride a unicorn over the rainbow.


Okay, for real now, this is how your start out. By the way, if you really want to be a great minerafter, this is a great series:

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