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WoM Member
WoM Member: 72480
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Hey I am a new Minecraft user.

Hello I am new to this forum and have been using minecraft for awhile. Bored of it already. Haven't found iron in many hours of playing.
Thought I woudl join up to this to find out tips and tricks to finding iron, like mining 5 - 10 levels below sea, finding lava caves, going cave exploring. None of it has worked yet.
So I hope I will find some soon. :D

WoM Member
WoM Member: 49751
WoM Coins: 4

Hi i've got the game for 5 weeks or something but if u cant find iron thats a problem with the game or then u haf to dig deeper.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 72480
WoM Coins: 0
I have dug through to the

I have dug through to the maps floor and feel through it and died. I am using a mac, I found that it doesn't have any sound as well.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 1165
WoM Coins: 28

Hey Caspar, welcome to the forums!

Iron can be easily found in caverns that lead all the way up to the surface, so if you don't want to spend time digging holes, try finding a cave and explore around.

Iron isn't always underground either, if you look at mountain sides, you can sometimes see iron and coal deposits on the walls, a great way for first starting out on a map!

Hope this helps!
