i got banned for no apparent reason and was not grieving... why? can i get unbanned?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 133138
WoM Coins: 0

first of all i got "stopped" by darksolom or darksolon because he thought i was ruining a guys tunnels but i knew the guy and we were goofing off, he wasnt getting upset about anything. he started asking moderator to "unstop" me because he wanted me to help him make something, the moderator said i couldnt and i wasnt really upset (it was like an "oh well" situation). then later i got boxed in by some guy way underground and because i couldnt dig i was stuck there. my friend told me to respawn but i had accidently pressed enter typing to him (thus i couldnt spawn anywhere else). i was stuck and my friend was forced to come and find me. the other moderator, thordon or something like that, was telling me what i had to do and i was explaining to him why i couldnt. then he said "sirlags, just leave" and i replied "wtf???" and then all of a sudden i was banned... it didnt seem very reasonable to me because i read the "rules" thing provided at the menu and i didnt see anything that i had done wrong. i wasnt trolling or spamming, i wasnt grieving, i wasnt offending anyone. i didnt mind the moderators while playing infact they seemed quite fun, they were talking with the other people like they were close friends and seemed nice. i dont understand can u help my out? the lobby i was in was NachoCraft.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 110708
WoM Coins: 5
Sirlag, I am an op in

Sirlag, I am an op in Nachocraft. I will certainly help u out. But the server is currently down. When its up i will unstop u. And DO come again to NachoCraft. Its all a problem becoz of a simple misunderstanding.