I was silenced and I cannot talk anymore. Why?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 66576
WoM Coins: 15

Tonight I got a little out of hand with the chat. I can see why I was silenced but why permanently? I just needed time to calm down and I think they could have just muted me for maby an hour or so as a warning. I had no warning and I was in shock and I am truely sorry for being "anoying" and I can see how I was and totally agree but I think that permanently is a little harsh and I have been doing some major builds and I have asked some mods questions about what is allowed and what isnt. Thats all I ever use the chat for is to ask or answer questions I usually keep to myself and dont bug other people. I just want to build but I feel like I am inable to because of this burden. Can this be fixed? or can I really not talk again? Please reply I need to know thank you in advance.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 40216
WoM Coins: 15
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