[Lostcraft] Looking for Partner/Sponsor
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 248938
WoM Coins: 1

First, off let me introduce myself. I am 16 years old, and if I do say so I'm pretty smart. At my current high school I am in all either Pre-AP or AP classes. This is just so you know I'm not a random idiot. Second of all, I have pretty extensive knowledge in every single type of coding language (I even made a coding language myself once). I also am very knowledgeable in hardware and software having coded programs in C++ and putting together computers for friends and family. But the thing that makes me the most valuable is my ridiculous knowledge in servers and server management. A couple of years ago (when I was 13), I was the Head Admin of a server named Aniwow that consistently had over 1500+ players online. I know how to work databases, MySQL, I know how to run a website, I know how to make a website, I know how to make montage level video effects utilizing AE and Vegas, I know how to make graphics with Photoshop, GIMP, and of course paint. I know how to effectively manage a community on any type of server. I also have a pretty extensive knowledge of Minecraft and CraftBukkit. I know how to install mods, configure them, and most importantly, I know how to troubleshoot.

So now that you know something about me, here is what I am offering. I already have a server set up with a website and pretty sizable community (16 online at all times, probably went down a little bit since server is down until bukkit releases a 1.5 recommended build). I already have Admins and Moderators hired. I also am running the server on a dedicated host. (100MBPS Dedicated connection and Dual AMD Opteron 8-Core Processors). So why do I need a Partner/Sponsor? Well I am very, VERY, tight on money right now and I can barely pay for the server right now. So I need someone who is willing to become the Co-Owner of the server (Co-Owner means you are basically the second owner of the server and that you can do everything that I can do). We need 30 dollars per month right now, so what we don't get from donations we'll need from you. This server is new, and has already grown exponentially.

I know what I'm doing, and I'm very confident that we can expand this server to eventually have a very big active community.

I am not a noob. I am not a stupid child. I know what I'm doing, and I need help. I need a Partner, and I hope it can be you.

Owner and Admin of Lostcraft.

WoM Member: 127891
WoM Coins: 643

That's impressive to say the least.... I can't afford 30 bucks a month but I'd be happy to pay 30 bucks every couple of months.... Donation page?

WoM Member: 127891
WoM Coins: 643

I checked my budget... I can afford 2 months of your server payment... if it maintains at 30 bucks... I'd be happy to pay for it if you could possibly help me with something... Wait no let me rephrase I'll help either way I just would like some help in return, I'm in a group who is making a few Minecraft mods and we have an art person(myself) a coder and a modeler, the coder has knowledge on how to code the mod he just can't figure out how to put the Bots or NPC's into the mod... It would be singleplayer and if you can't help that's fine as well.... I'm sure the official forums has someone...