As you know, this will be my last month of being on World of Minecraft and maybe playing Minecraft. As you know, I'm the clan leader of W.R.A. and that I will be giving the clan to someone else in the clan. Before I give the clan and leave, I need you guys to vote a member in the clan of who should become the new leader. The vote will last until August 30th. Please post your reply below or tell me when I'm online the server.
Note: You can only vote for members tech+ in order to become the leader and that you can only 3 times.
heres my reply i want spyguy cuz he is the best guy i know and i know i can trust him
If we can, I vote spyguy228
I vote spyguy288 because he is AWESOME!!
I vote spyguy two because he is good for being a leader.
Oh and btw its sad but i wont be coming back on august 15th
so bye all hope u will have a fun time. So a long bye.
In case you guys don't know of who should vote for, you can click on the link at
Although you are not in my clan, you are allow to vote for someone. Also, please give a valid reason of why this person should be leader.
Well, I'm not in the clan anymore so this probably doesn't count but. Spyguy
What's happening, miner? Why are you leaving?
Well i'm not in W.R.A. But Spyguy228 Should be the next Clan Leader , Coz he's a good leader and He's kind! :D
i vote for spyguy228 cuz he is determined and he can make a great leader ;) and he seems to love group work so yea spyguy228 :P
maybe i can handle the clan because im online everyday and i will not wuit in minecraft womrealms please vote me to be the next clan leader thank you
ill vote for spyguy cause he is kind and he can be a nice leader and he is listening to others not only to him self :D ^_^
to minermanABC123 thanks for answering all my question and thanks for making me join in this clan i wish u to be happy what u decided i wish that u may never forget me im so dramatic xD goodbye friend minermanABC123 :D
I vote again SPYGUY no effenes to all the other guys in the clan but I think spyguy is good for this. (oh and im leaving womrealms and minecraft on august 15th)
Whaaa your leaving, like for a long time? I thought you meant like a week or something!
my i might be quitting minecraft also when my skool starts cuz when skool starts i have to get serious with my work and my last exam results didnt satisfy me at all so i may be leaving as well :P
So many people are leaving, damnit!
Well, it can't be helped.
Meanwhile on Clan Wars...
I dont know who spyguy is but i will vote for him cause everyone did.
The 1st week had end and we have the following votes for the people that voted the person:
-spyguy228- 10 votes
-jasper00000004- 1 vote
First person to 500 votes win
Vote count ends at August 25.
i agree but also goodbye minermanabc123 we all will miss u,
But i think spyguy is the winner not trying to be mean to the others but
its the thing were spyguy is better at kindness and other things i bet
u all are to, but spyguy is the winner.
We have our results and it is very clear that spyguy228 will be the leader of W.R.A. I will also take my leave today and may most likely not come back. For people in my clan: please finish my realm for me since I was unable to finish it. Thank you for people that have been nice to me and supported with me all the way do the end.
Have a good life
Thats allot of my name :P
See Ya minerman =D maybe we will meet again
miner, thanks for the clan but no thanks. i cant handle it so i gave it to jertay, back to the first owner...
Didn't see that coming...
jertay isn't active anymore... You could have gave it to jayrow...
jertay is on a lot more now, plus he already has it and he wanted it a lot
What about me? I've got a lot of, experience...XD

WoM Coins: 396
Oh yeah just to let you know, the tech+ people in my clan can vote for themselves only once. :P