possible game-mode idea
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WoM Member
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Ok, so if you have ever heard of picture wars, this is a bit like that. Basically, there would be a squareish map, with rectangles flanking each side, dependent on the number of players (max 4). Each player would have an 'army' made up of civies, soldiers, and armor, and you would start with 5 units at the start (all very weak). The games currency would be points. You would start with 50 points (a simple soldier/worker costs 10) and you get half the points of what ever you kill. (IE if you kill a heavy soldier worth 25 points, you'd get 13 points). you could also build nodes on specific land points on the map, which generate a fixed income. Along with that, there would be gold buried in the ground, worth a set amount of points (game based, most likely 10 though).There would be several guide lines to follow such as;

can only delete 1 block per digger per turn (artillery is an exception)
can only build 2 blocks per worker per turn
can only move 4 units per turn (depending on the game/size, could be more)
units can only move 2 blocks in any direction per turn (several exceptions to this, including map size and unit type)
only 4 units can attack per turn (again, game/size effects this)
no nocliping through the ground to find gold (honor system)

an example of how such a game might play out:


obviously, this not only relies heavily on the honor system (such as if a bullet hits a soldier) but also on the willingness to delete/rebuild units. It might end up being arch+, however, as we can copy/paste stuff, such as mechs, which might not be to fun to recreate every 5 minutes. I personally wouldn't mind it, but thats just my opinion.

So, what does any one else think? A possible game mode, or is it just dust in the wind?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 446
WoM Coins: 18


Contributor +
WoM Member: 318
WoM Coins: 128
*cough cough*

http://picturewars.freeforums.org/ main forums are down but this is the backup forums.

WoM Member: 10
WoM Coins: 194
He's talking about an in-game

He's talking about an in-game version.