Redstone gripe
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WoM Member
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Anyone getting fed up with the lack of development for redstone components.

I am...

MC gets constant additions and redstone gets NOTHING, the only new component in years has been the diode nice that it is. Redstone needs some new components FAST and the tekkit stuff is to complicated to make, it takes more time to make than to build sometimes. and I need components in the hundreds if not thousands sometimes. I made a hundred timers a hundred pulsers and a hundred latches in tekkit. It took me days. and by the time I had made enough bits to start I had forgot how I was going to build it. The inspiration was lost...

Things take on a new meaning when you can say "there is twenty five thousand diodes in there and I made every single one of them"..... That has a little wow factor in it!

I have this smoothstone maker called Brutus, it churns out a respectable half a million block an hour. It has nearly five thousand pistons in it and I made every single one of them. Blood sweat and tears so to speak... But you have to be able to make components easily to capture peoples creativity.

Its like as an example, you need lots of stuff and a lot of time to make a nuclear reactor in tekkit but you dont need many reactors so its worthwhile. The trouble is the redstone components are also complicated to build and you generaly need them in the hundreds.

I want to see a timer(programable) a latch a pulser and a light censor(also programable) and that damm diode needs a better delay system and an inverter position added to it. Yeah and a way to have different coloured lanterns would be extremely nice!  These would enable a new generation of machines in MC. There must be loads of components realy but just the basics the building blocks is all we need.

I wnat to make these towns we all love to build come to life and the current redstone tech is not up to the job any more.

I realy think its time MC redstone tech gew up a little..

Anyone got any views on this?



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So the top-left is MC (for

So the top-left is MC (for MineCraft?) and the daytime as in AM/PM.
The top-right, main part, is the actual time.
The bottom-right is the date. Is this american (MM/DD/YYYY) or the british (DD/MM/YYYY)?
And, the bottom left is...

What is the thing in the bottom left meant to be?
And does this run on real time, or in-game time?

Otherwise, it looks awesome. I'm currently trying to figure out some redstone circuits before I start work on my adventure map.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 140523
WoM Coins: 13
Thanks for the comments,  Yes

Thanks for the comments,  Yes the MC is for MineCraft, its UK DD/MM/YYYY and its a binary clock.

The main timer in the clock sends a pulse to the big clock and the binary clock at the same time. Its actualy possible to have two times, the main clock telling one and the binary telling the another.

Oh and yes it tells real time not MC time. I was thinking of putting in the bits to switch it from real time to minecraft time at the press of a button.

I have a MC clock aswell it was my very first project, It is self correcting keeps accurate time. Its also switchable between 12 and 24 hour.

its actually right in front of this clock about a hundred yards away. this is the clocks section of the park.

Any questions I am happy to answer..


I will try to get here at least once a day but I busy at times.


WoM Member
WoM Member: 140523
WoM Coins: 13
The binary clock is 6bits a

The binary clock is 6bits a side the left being the hours and the right the minutes.

There is also a front panel button that turns the binary clock into a 12 bit counter for educational purposes with an auto count button..

When you press the clock/counter button it automaticaly disengages from the main clock and activates its own counters by itself instead of using the main timer. pulse.





WoM Member
WoM Member: 140523
WoM Coins: 13
The main clock buttons have

The main clock buttons have some interesting tech as well. eg.. the start button circuit  starts the main diode timer, but it only works once to stop a double press messing up the timer. It also activates the stop circuit

The stop button circuit flashes a front panel torch on and off while the circuit waits for the current timer pulse to complete its run. It then puts the flashing stop light full on and reactivates the start up circuit...

There is also a fail safe button that resets the clock internals should a RARE condition become true and the clock malfunctions or wont start...

The calender has a permanent flashing seperator dots, these usualy never stop even on chunk load/unloads cool eh!  but its minecraft and what shouldnt happen quite often does so there is also a special circuit that fixes and restarts the flashing dots...(usualy caused by frozen diodes)



WoM Member
WoM Member: 140523
WoM Coins: 13


WoM Member: 316446
WoM Coins: 447

thats amazing

the hardest redstone i can do is make a 3x3 piston door...


WoM Member
WoM Member: 140523
WoM Coins: 13
Thanks,I sometimes make


I sometimes make piston doors sometimes hidden ones love them hidden ones.