Silenced for 2hours on first offence
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 253829
WoM Coins: 4

I have always been told on World of Minecraft Realms that affter your first offence of over advertisement you would be silenced for 5 minutes.. Also I thought that advertising once every twenty minutes was a guideling not a specific rule?

Recently I was silenced for 2 hours on my first offence by a World of Minecraft Realms admin. 

Would someone plz let me know why I was silenced for so long despite it being my first offence..


P.S. I was advertising my freebuild not using vulgarity and following all rules except the only once every twenty minutes

WoM Member: 105750
WoM Coins: 526
I warned you multiple times

I could've silenced you for 5 minutes first, I didn't, I gave you multiple warnings, not only me, other players too

you refused to listen, these are the consequences
also, yes, its a guideline, but once every minute is a nono

WoM Member
WoM Member: 253829
WoM Coins: 4

If you are giving something like a warning you should absolutely be sending via in game IM.... it should not be said on open channel and what other players say is irrelevant becuase you are the admin not them.


Also, I looked at chat after and saw you "I silenced src for 2hours". Personally i can understand why you are saying that but I also feel it was absolutely unnecessary.....

I appologize for what I did and would like to ask if you would un-mute me plz?

WoM Member: 105750
WoM Coins: 526
wait a second

sooo, you say you can disobey the rules on global chat, but Im not allowed to warn on global chat?

if you only listen to an admin, then you are VERY antisocial
unnecesary, yes, but I do it so people know what consequences are tied to breaking the rules
the silence is done in a few minutes