Sprites, Yay, or Nay?
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Ok, For all who dont know me : Hi, I am Smileynator. A 3D impotent builder.
I really grade myself to suck at 3D builds, and i dont feel like i can improve it that much. And i dont feel having as much fun, as when i do the simpler 2D stuff.

Anyway. I came here to ask for your opinions on sprites. I did NOT come here to start a flame war on this subject.
There is a big confusion about sprites. Most people say: I hate sprites in general, they are not original! And some just agree to love them just as much as 3D builds.

Lets disregard 3D builds for the minute. We talk 2D only.
I think there are 3 ''sprite levels''.
1.) http://www.worldofminecraft.com/node/2069 (Mario. Hur, Dur.)
Mario. (Yes only that.) In general all 25x25 sprites involving mario, link, triforces, mushrooms and all the other badies and goodies from old arcade games. They are repeated often. sometimes in a different color, but nevertheless all the same. we will call these: Nub copys.

2.) http://www.worldofminecraft.com/node/2108 (All you base is used more often, But its size and immense detail is what defines it a number 2)
Big sprites. Epic big sprites either of video games or anime. That have original color work arounds (due to color limit), and are of reasonable big size (bigger then 50x50 in general) note that anything from Nub copys (1.) sized up to 50x50 doesnt make it a 2. These are rarely the same, and mostly original, as the builder likes to do something not to hard, but wants to be original building it, he doesnt want to be a Nub copyer. We call it : Reasonable spriters.

3.) http://www.worldofminecraft.com/node/3983 (Couldnt find a better one, but there out there)
Epic sprites. These have no limit as to size or whatever. These are just epic original 1 of a kind sprites. Taking a random picture, and make it a good looking sprite by hand (not using any tools to pixelate the photo first) with the limited colors in minecraft. these are often quite big, but also very impressive, even if they are small on size. We call these: Epic spriters.

What i came to ask:
I think of myself as a number 2. I hate the number 1's love the number 3's and in the future i want to advance from number 2, to number 3. I think number 3 sprites, are just as amazing as a good 3D build. (of course, epic sprite, can never tip a epic 3D build.)

What do others think of this? How do you think about sprites in general, and what ones would you allow/approve or disallow/disprove? And optional: What do you think of them next to 3D builds? (Note that the wall needs decoration also. And sprites have there rightful place on the wall.)
Lets hear your voice!


WoM Member
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I agree

I think that you made a very good point. I also dislike the Mario/bowser/easy-mode builds. I think that sprite work above level 1 takes a lot of skill. It is very hard to do some sprites yet people still see sprites as "easy-mode" I honestly think level 2/3 sprites are harder to do and take more skill than a good amount of other builds done. 

(oh no i didn't mention glass domes :(. Now i did :D) 

WoM Member
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Seems to me your three categories are more
1) Marios and Megamans and everything we've seen over 9000 times before; alternately anything under arbitrary size 25x25
2) Huge murals still sprite-based; alternately anything over arbitrary size 50x50
3) Greyscale photos

I tend to categorize into Generic-everyone's-done-this sprites, Sprites-we-don't-see-often, and murals, which would be the larger works of art that may or may not be based on a game sprite.
Marios and Megamans obviously fall into the first category, and while we're all sick of seeing them, they are not disallowed.
Something like this I built on Main this cycle I would put in the second category; sure it's still straight copies from Lode Runner (with modifications to fit Minecraft's limited palette), but I have never seen them on World of Minecraft in my time here, and without the title there no one knows where they're from.
As for murals, your category 2 and 3 would both fall there. I don't care if it's a straight copy from a game sprite or from a photo, you're still converting one medium (an image) to another (Minecraft blocks, 2D be damned). It's no less creative to adjust an old game sprite to fit Minecraft than it is to build St. Peter's Basilica to scale out of one-meter blocks. You're still building something that looks cool (except Mario), and that's what we're here for.

WoM Member
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I agree. You do got a point.

I agree. You do got a point. ofcourse everyone has a bit of a difference between the hard lines i drew here. But see them as guidelines. Give or take a few pixels and exceptions on them. Though i think there still is a difference between doing a sprite from a ''ingame sprite'' or anime character. Then doing one of a picture like a self portrait or anything else nice looking (like a monkey on the mountain top map)  i kind of grade them really harsh on how impressive they look as to how hard they are to make. I personally think the loderunner thing wasn't all that impressive. But it IS original, i respect that at least. I would put it in the number 2nd class if i had to pick.

Its good to hear everyone agrees on the number 1's the epic fails of the sprites. And its good to see everyone so far agrees on big well done sprites, are just as justified as a build.

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You could always try

You could always try something between 2D or 3D, like so: link

It looks cool and gives you some darker colors to work with :)

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Re: 3d/shadows

Yeah I saw on Minepedia that if you use floating blocks for shadows you can pull off 32-bit colors with dithering in sprites, though those have to be laying down and we don't allow those. Looked really good in their example pic though.