Installing textures easily!
Hey there World of Minecraft, I feel like making a texture pack but need some ideas. I am quite a harsh judge, so even if you are the first to request, I might reject it. If you want some tips on how not to get rejected, I suggest you include ideas for terrain, mobs, tools, armor, destroy progress animation (default is increasing amount of cracks), sun/moon, liquids, inventory/crafting screen, and health/air. If you do not specify any of those, I will leave them as the default. You may still get rejected if you include those, and that would be simply because I don't like the idea. Don't fell bad if you get rejected though, just remember, it's not you, it's me.
Hey can u make to me sims texture pack ???
How about an animal crossing pack?
The game was mostly repeated textures for all the sand, grass, dirt, snow, and stone anyway.
Left 4 Dead, i will donate 10 dollars to u if u make this. :D NO JKing
How about a texture pack that is the defolt minecraft texture pack but with the mobs replaced with characters from some of nintendo's main franchises?
Hey oscar nice idea!! i like it!!
Yeah, you might be wondering why I rejected all the requests, and thats cuz I kinda forgot to mention that I will not be accepting texture pack requests related to video games, allthough that's not the only reason I rejected them. Seriously people, does anyone read the original post? I want details people, DETAILS! And even if not, at least reference pictures! Follow the rules people!
i have aREJECTED
im not even gonna bother to post
if ur this strict u might as well research ur own damn texture pack lol
If you are still doing this, I was thinking of a kind of texas themed texture. You know, with that dirty western look for dirt and grass. Sand could be red. It's up to you, really
how about a texture pack that has all the blocks replaced with the word rejected?
this isn't funny. Treat the topic with respect
This is not working. I am no longer takng requests. If anyone with high enough rank sees this, lock this thread.
What do you mean no vid. games? That's really the only thing id be interested in. What point is there in making something without any significant value to people. i guess you could do a dreary pack, or a sepia pack, but there are already plenty of those. You could make a sports team themed one, but that would look stupid, and sports are over-rated.
You should make a futuristically based texture pack. Make the grass different like your on another planet and make the moon a gas giant with multiple rings. Make swords more futuristic by changing them to light sabers or give them a gun-sword look like from final fantasy 13 and change bows to guns or laser guns. Make zombies into one eyed aliens and wooden planks into metal boards. I have more specifics that i wont post now until I know wether you are considering this idea.
You should create a dessert place like a candyland! It would be filled with strawberries, macaroons, cakes, candy, pocky, chocolate, and all other desserts. the fround would be like ice cream (strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate :D) LOL, I totally sound like a fatty that wants to get fatter ;]
Something with dead grass, and polluted water.
can you please make a "convenient" texture pack
i always get pissed off because the cross on the door is in the way and the glass isn't clear
also maybe change the furnace so it doesnt look like the floor is on fire?
water is no where near clear enough so is it possible to make it more transparent?
(clearer water means easier fishing when the sea mobs update :D )
torches look lame... nuff said
idk if its just me but trees look strange cuz they have no branches :/ just trunks
Smiley creepers ^_^ FTW
i personally dont like the look of planks or sand or adminium or glowstone or gravel
planks: they look kinda wierd. it'd be great if they looked good for not only flooring but walls as well.
sand: it looks like its not grainy at all
adminium: i hate this block. annoying in itself but also i find it harsh on the eyes and it looks like a combo of cobble and stone which got f***ed up somehow. maybe a suggestion would be to make it darker but not quite as dark as obsidian or make it different somehow. up to you :P
glowstone: less dirt and more glowdust on the faces i reckon? but thats just me. i dont really mind this block. i just wondered why it has so much "glow" if the faces are covered by dirt.
gravel: ew. it looks gross. idk how to improve it but i hate this block texture. possibly make it look more like a combo of sand and stone?
and i want to ask wether youre gunna make whichever one you choose a HD texture pack
uh hopefully you're still interested and stuff
yours truly
why the f*** would i troll. that's just the truth as I see it.
i know you dont want to hear this but im gona try for the sake of it.
can you make a tesxture pack for classic?
that would be so awesome.
i dont even care what it looks like as long as its not the default.
Can you make me Futuristic texture pack :D

WoM Coins: 0
Hey can u make to me sims texture pack ???