Trying to get a server... anyone?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 142249
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So i currently bought the minecraft before it went to beta, but dont get wrong ive been playing it even from before....

I played in the creative level and did lots of pixel artwork, and i know my ways around a good design....

also i have been playing for many days in the survival mode, and boy i am not a newcomer... i recognize every ingredient, and material and know my way around the place...

i value a good place not only by its design but also by its functionality ;D

what i need is someone to play with me, someone that sets or already has a server, because you know... playing alone is fun but only has a tuturial... the experience is greatly enached when you have friends by your side...

so yeah thats it.... if someone would mind playing with me, hook me up or something ;3

WoM Member
WoM Member: 142908
WoM Coins: 0
what are you asking?

I have a brand new server up.     if you want you can play on that. and if you were asking to put your design on my server I have no problem with that.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 130232
WoM Coins: 8
The Lost Lands

Go to "The Lost Lands" Thread in the General discussions forum. Its my favorite server...

I am the king of the kingdom porthos, read the posts to join a kingdom and try out the server, it might not be up atm but it should be today...