Vanilla No Grief Server-Accepting Applications 9 Available Spots
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 645546
WoM Coins: 2

Hey guys, 300Dylan here.

I am going to soon be opening a new server for serious Minecraft players. There are 9 available slots to be filled to make an even 10 players on the server. This is what many would consider a Mindcrack community type server. You are welcome to prank people but please no griefing. This will be a very selective process and will take time, as I will be conducting interviews via Skype. There is no age restriction, because your maturity level will show. The application is as follows:

1.) IGN:

2.) Age:

3.) Sex:

4.) Minecraft Experience:

5.) YouTube channel (not required but a plus):

6.) Skype:

7.) Style of play (Technical, Adventurer, etc.):

8.) Best creation (attach photo if possible):

9.) Anything else I should Know:

Those are all the questions I have now. I hope you are as excited as I am.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 645546
WoM Coins: 2
Bump. :)

Bump. :)