World of Minecraft ccw single-player into multiplayer (well sort of) ?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 34218
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I'm more of asking those who worked on the World of Minecraft ccw here, but well...  The thing is I got a dial-up connection and since I started minecraft I often play in sp. of course I can't save or load any level I played or created, except for the "dump level" fonction of the ccw. I really like to create map from scratch, map for "Survival" or juste starting map for normal creative. My point is when I'm connected and going on a generated map, the in-game menu allow me to load a file so I can work on, but if I am not connected to internet, loading minecraft via the ccw automaticly create a generated map but the menu won't allow me to load anything. Since I mostly work on my portable in my house in the middle of  nowhere, I can't be connected very oftenly.

My question is: Could it be possible to make a build of the World of Minecraft ccw that emulate (sort of) the connection to the server (or anything) that make the game allowing the player to load a .dat from is computer?

...or do I need to make a server on my conputer to be able to load anything, in that case how could I bypass the the default server adress.

Well, any solution, or part of solution would be appreciated.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 446
WoM Coins: 18
No, use OMEN to form .dat

No, use OMEN to form .dat maps.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 141215
WoM Coins: 6
I made a tutorial to do this

He i made a tutorial to "fake" a minecraft website and stuff so you can play OFFLINE
