i really do think World of Minecraft realms needs more staff. we are going through problems RIGHT NOW and we have NO help at all! i think World of Minecraft needs to elect more staff soon or the World of Minecraft realms server will lose users. plz comment what you think
hey jak
I got a super idea! Why don't we have like a auto punishment for it. For example. if someone was spamming ten times in a row, they're could be a auto silence for 30min or so. Caps could be silence for 15-30min. Swearing could be a resulted of a 2day ban. You guys would get the idea.
It is true, guys, World of Minecraft needs more staff.
I know I'm probably going to get allot of hate about this comment from the staff but I don't care what you think. It IS true, World of Minecraft needs more staff.
As for your auto-punishment idea miner, no. That would be totally flawed. What if lets say... Someone is telling a story, or giving instructions. They take up 10 lines and BAM they are silenced. Totally unfair. Also, silencing someone for using caps once is ridiculous! Allot of the time the new players do not know they can't use caps. So they will probably be pretty upset when they are silenced for no reason from their point of view, that will cause problems later. The spam threshold does it's job. Another automated punishment would drive people to quiting-point.
I think staff is doing fine.
Maybe there are some holes in World of Minecraft were no staff is on yea ok true
yeah, what lunick said, say if i ran for World of Minecraft staff agaisnt Kentito1, iwould TOTALLY loose, because everybody likes him more. Popularity shouldn't count, thats why WM H4x moujave choose, and the other staff, if it was a global choice nobody would be happy, some newb who dosent know how to admin, could get it because he has a million friends, therefore meaning random bans and silences. UNFAIR. Stick to the original plane people, and as for the more staff, they get on when they can, they actually have lives, unlike you people who spend all day on there.
Staff themselves are doing fine...when they're on. I know the last 4 times I've been on there hasn't been any staff at all on. Even the supposed "bot" WM. The only staff member I see on is Lunick. On a server of this size, I would recommend more staff. It DEFINITELY shouldn't be voted on by anyone other than staff and the owners themselves.
As far as who? Doesn't really matter to me, because I can tell you no matter who it is, people will be pissed. However, we need more staff...
I can do nothing but fully agree with wolftone1916
I'll run it by moujave to fnd a solution to this because I agree with a lot of your points.
I don't know but let's get this clear.
- Don't bother us about asking who will be the next staff, we don't know
- Don't ask for staff rank
I will say this as a non staff member...treat it like a jack in the box, you know it's coming, just not when or even who exactly, so just sit and wait and keep cranking the clock waiting for the surprise.
Well, it doesnt need to be somebody very known, but somebody capable of handling staff... Not some random 10-year old...
Maybe 1 european should be fine ^^ due time-zones
i vote Sharpy63 to be staff and fixernon
I do not think that World of Minecraft:Realms needs another full staff member, 4 community managers should be able to handle 1 server.
But I think that a sort of minor staff could be helpful, someone who could hand out some half hour silences when they are needed, and maybe kick people. But this minor staff member could NOT ban people.
Apart from silence/kick, this minor staff member would have no other power.
That's supposed to be World of Minecraft patrol, but only one is ever on.
4 staff members? There's only ever 1 on, and when he comes on, he gets so overwhelmed because people have so many issues when he isn't on...You are right though jak that 4 staff members "should" be able to handle the server, but that's not the case as they have lives outside World of Minecraft and can't be on all the time, this is a great reason for having more than what we have...
World of Minecraft Patrol do not actually have any power, when people do start swearing or griefing, the patrol have no more control over it than a new user.
So no matter how many patrol members there are, with their special ability to....report users to higher up people.....like everyone else can, it isn't changing anything.
Hmm well then, staff is in order, if you are going to make ministaff, you might as well just make a regular staff member...
Err, I don't get overwhelmed, I deal with it... The World of Minecraft patrol are nothing anyway.
I totally agree with you about it ^^ spoke alot over it on IRC
I believe it would be helpful like you said a " Minor Staff " from somewhere of Europ maybe other timezone's , but I guess it's up to mou and the others to decide ^^.
Really, there are only 3 community managers because Artful has had problems and won't be back for a while.
Regular players do not get to vote on who becomes staff because like its been said before, it may not always rely on who you think would make a good candidate for staff and be able to handle it rather than 90% of people just voting on their friends. There are certain values and core items we look for in players to determine if they will be able to handle possibly becoming staff one day. Just chill out, relax, and let us handle it. We are very busy and World of Minecraft isn't our #1 priority as it is only a game. I am currently working 2 jobs so yes, I don't have as much time as I use to to play on World of Minecraft anymore and I deeply apologize to the community that I haven't been able to monitor the server like I used to. Just be patient and enjoy the game while you can. :)
WoM staff should be able to elect apprentices. so they can save a report to the site and so staff can see! they can just add that in and chose 3 or 4 ppl to take the responsibility! its perfect!
WoM does not need more Staff. The only reason why mou/trid/H4X elected Deadlypixel, Artful, Lunick and Shnaw to be Staff is because they're highly qualified, experienced players with the proper tenacity to become Staff.
In conclusion, World of Minecraft doesn't need more Staff, it just needs less stupid people.
Skyara, so in your last sentence you are actually saying 'Stupid people should not play on World of Minecraft? You know that's not gonna happen.I'd rather let some stupid people walk in rows, than play a game with 3 decent persons. You know what i mean.
That's completely untrue. I'm just saying World of Minecraft would benefit from people not asking silly questions or doing silly things. You're just changing the subject here.
Everybody here does silly things. We cant stop them. And btw, newbs have to learn everything too, dont they? And I understand that not every player always wants to respond to those questions, so there is staff.
On esper.net #World of Minecraft when I logged on I say someone say 'PEOPLE ARE SAYING ROUDE THINGS' I tryed to get H4X to help but he was AFK so there should be more staff to help!!
Skyara, the main issue especially here lately has been the incessant trolling and bad behavior. But, expecting them to just "act right" is like expecting a cat to bark. It's causing a LOT of great members to leave and want to leave because we are fed up with the chaos here lately...
It's getting out of hand it needs what I said in the title!!!
Dan, You haven't been on since 2012-02-09
Stop trying to get a higher position as you are becoming the next Skate.
You think you will get patrol? You are certainly mistaken. BTW, "
I can patroll on Sundays and a lot of week days!!" is basically asking for staff or World of Minecraft Patrol wich I doubt you will get EVER.
Well, how would I know, I haven't been on in a month.
Lately, I'm hearing a lot of bad changes on World of Minecraft, and all I can say is: "I am disappoint", not like you guys can do anything about it anyway. I don't blame ya.
I'm considering returning on the 13th of April, aka, my World of Minecraft birthday.
Maybe an old face can dampen the chaos :)
Ahh to have a skyara to joke with again :D would renew my interest...
ZOMG!! That's tomorrow!!! :'DDD You joined 6 days before I did :D
Anyways, I thi... ugh who cares what I think? The noobs just get bored and leave because no one no longer pays attention to them. I see A LOT of this stuff when I am on (I have no life and am on from about 11 in the morning until about 8:30 at night x3) and because it's become so frequent I just can't be bothered. I'll just sometimes chuck a "spam in a can" or a "capsicles" comment in, but it doesn't stop them so yea... what mister wolf (I think he said so) and other people have said.... a little mini staff would suit World of Minecraft well :o
well im an admin on 1 server (its classic btw), AND guests (defalt rank) get auto kicked after being idle for 15m. :P
kicking people who are idle does not solve the problem about people swearing/using all caps, because to use them, the people have to be NOT idle
Indeed the main problem is only about people swearing / cursing / spam / advertisement.
And i totally agree with Jak2131's idea about minor staff for it.
this is what I thought about this thread:

You obviously haven't been on the server when there are no staff around and someone decided to start swearing a lot, because everyone joins in and there is a big argument and it is impossible to stop.
You go on and stop one of those people and get them to leave without creating a huge fight/troll war, then you can laugh at this topic.
I was laughing at the people who are suggesting there are more staff, so that they can BE staff. I appreciate the fact that some people are being serious about this, but I have nothing to suggest and will leave it to them as my suggestions are extremely stupid :3
I have literally been staring at that for around 30 minutes...o.o
Dude, you do know ,<WM> is on at all times, if u REALLY want to get someone kicked or banned or something is annoying you, arguing, swearing, caps, just call for him 20 billion times, he'll show up... maybe XD
So naive...WM is only on when staff is on or watching...there's a reason for that...Trust me, I've been on when everyone's trolling and and cussing and people are "pinging" WM and he's a no show...that may have something to do with the fact he is a console account XD
Staff have nothing to do with <WM>, I can't say about the owners.
MMhmm I see what you say, but I just don't soak it up...I still say console controlled account...as in .say watch the caps...
Nope, none of us have access to the console. Why would be need to use <WM> when we are the same rank as it?
Same way I explained earlier. If you don't want to be on and bothered you can just use WM to speak to members and not be bothered...
I'll shall repeat this, WE do not have access to the console. We never have and probably never will.
<WM> was created before there even were staff, none of us are lazy and will come onto our main account to deal with problems.
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
more staff is good ye
It seems to me that certain people are trying to change this topic from 'World of Minecraft Realms needs more Staff' to 'World of Minecraft in general needs better Staff'. The current Staff are doing a smashing job (kudos to you guys for that), but the problem is when they're not online, and trolls come to play. So yes, World of Minecraft needs more moderators (Not Staff >.>); but again a common problem is that these people usually have to come from the community, and if that is so, then we can assume the Staff are going to watch for people who could do the job. This, however, leads to mini-mods (not naming any names <.<) who think they're better than everyone else. Bottom line is this: if people didn't behave like idiots - and I'm talking about common members, not one-off guests, since we can't really enforce it on them - then this problem would be drastically reduced.
You can be happy now, World of Minecraft has a new community manager.
If you look closely, you will notice that MrSnowGlobe from the Easter server is now a community manager, so watch out.
this is me telling you all TO HARDEN UP if u cant deal with a few trolls get off the internet, if you cant handle a few swear words WTH is wrong with you, leave the staff alone, if you added up the time the staff spent reading forums helping noobs and solving problms and then you were told that if you want to be staff you had to do the same amount of time you would run a mile, staff IS NOT FUN AND GAMES, i was staff b4 realms and i tell you now, i never had time to build everybody wanted your attention and nobody was happy with the job you were doing AND THATS ON A GOOD DAY.
The point of World of Minecraft:Realms is that it provides a pleasant playing environment with no grief and no swearing or random spammers.
Telling people to just ignore the trolls, and don't mind the caps is going completely against the point.
About the staff bit, I don't think that all of the people on this topic are trying to become staff, and they are not saying that the staff are doing a bad job, just that there are gaps where the swearers and trolls can get through the times that the staff are on, and at these times, it gets terrible. Little children play on this server and they should not be exposed to some of the message which get put into chat.
Before you get all up in arms over this, yes people should toughen up and deal with trolls, however, there's a distinct difference to that and having to completely shut off global because it gets so bad. I think you seem to be exactly what Sonardo said and turning this into staff isn't doing their job or staff is doing their job well. Neither are the case here. We are merely asking for another staff to help out on REALMS. To assist the other staff.
Not too mention you say leave the staff alone? Who's messing with staff? We have done the proper thing as a community and requested assistance to a problem we are having. The attitude of suck it up and deal with it is EXACTLY why realms is dying out.
Harden up? Are you serious with this mellcor or are you just trolling or pissed off? You do realize that 90% of realms members are 12 and under right? Emotional, immature, young kids who don't need to harden up when they are being harassed by trolls.
Be happy with what you have? Famous words of a known dictator who wanted the entire globe a communistic society. Realms at least from what I can tell, prides themselves on an open forum of communication between staff and its members to come to them if there is a problem. Good thing you aren't currently still staff with an attitude like that, otherwise all realms WOULD have are green trolls terrorizing the server, as the rest of us would leave on to other things due to the server going to crap and no one doing anything about it...
I totally agree with him, If you don't like it, GET OFF!! Just be happy that the server is up AT ALL!!
but i hardly see artful on and i think it was another on but i forgotten who but he left.
He means Artful
i said artful was inactive
then that makes it 3 staffs not 4 jak
At the point that I said 4, Artful was still a Community Manager, they only removed him today.
we are talking about staff not
Community Manager and you carnt say thay are boththe same because mrsnowglobe is a
Community Manager not a staff you get me ok
I really rofl'd with that one. Anyway... This topic caused staff to clean up.... Will it become a battle royal, with staff brutally slaughtering eachother? Then I think moujave will win. Shnaw has a decent chance too tho.
You underestimate the power of the H4X, and that PartyM seems to be pretty good at hiding, no one would ever get him
oh why becasue he was inactive
but would <WM> count as a staff
I believe that there is enough staff, they don't need to cut any unless they have been inactive for a time which the staff are awear of any therefor know they will be cut from being staff. If we add more staff it will get more complicated, and staff would become less powerful. If we remove staff, there is even less of a chance for staff to be online.
The only problem with the current staff is not actualy a problem, it called having a life. They obviously cannot be online when they are doing other work earning money to put foward to later life. If you think the staff are poor then you have no understanding of what it means to have a life and therefor cannot contemplate, and accept, the fact that they won't be online all the time.
Usoka, electing more staff will NOT make staff less powerful. I don't see how it can. And if it did, it wouldn't matter. The staff rank is not about power. It is about keeping World of Minecraft under control, I see absolutely no flaws in having more staff. Not one. Also, to the people who keep bringing up things about demoting staff, you are making no sense. This topic is about electing staff, not about getting rid of them.
Who are all the staff anyways.
WoM Coins: 6608
i thought it was going to be a picture of some of the logs, or a screenshot of some of the swearing