Installing textures easily!
Here are a few classic texture packs i made from converting beta packs.
to use download the files, extract them, and using 7zip or WinRar replace all the files in your minecraft.jar with these
And for anyone this might concern only the painter pack has the dont loost ficus hack, if you need it applied then tell me and ill get one made up for you.
P.S. these textures are for World of Minecraft users only!
painterly pack -
painterly pack 2 -
cartoon pack -
BLOCK OPS - made from Camy415's Call of Duty Black Ops texture pack! (
And I have a new texture that will be out very soon, just finishing up with it.
Also if anyone wants a texture converted please give me the url in the comments below and i will get to work on it.
nice thx ! :D
Hi omanges,
Thanks for these texture packs they are very nice.
how did you do this because im planing to make a texture pack for MCClassic
This should work for a Mac, all you have to do is make a list of the files and folders thats in the minecraft.jar and move the files and folders that match.
i dont have a mac i can test with so please tell me if it works or not.
I just learnt how to add texture packs to World of Minecraft elsewhere...Yes, it does work for Mac.
didnt work? i extracted it all to skins folder.
dont put it in the skin folder you have to extract it then put in the minecraft.jar file in the lib folder. Hope it works!
Nice mistake, but like the other dude said, put it in the .bin of Minecraft.jar. Or, if you are wanting it on your realm in "World of Minecraft: Realms" Then you go to the site here and scroll down, and click upload texture, make the drop-down box say texture block image, and browse for the file, and upload!
This should work for a Mac, all you have to do is make a list of the
files and folders thats in the minecraft.jar and move the files and
folders that match.
i dont have a mac i can test with so please tell me if it works or not. thx man I serach this on any forums and I seartch them realy thx
It works on Mac. Don't spam the thread with duplicate posts, and read what others have said before asking questions that might've already been answered.
but I clikc here 3 ..... this is too link to many texturepacks
Guys, you have to do...
That's instructions for Windows.
It's like listening to Chinese whispers.
On Windows, it's: World of Minecraft\lib\default\
On OS X, it's: World of
Just put your files in there.
Note: Putting any files into minecraft.jar WILL NOT WORK in Game Client 1.6+, because it does not use the minecraft.jar in the first place.
Any chance of getting womrealms share links?
Yes, I will get the share links for the textures and post them next the download link
for some reason i cant get the code to share the links, when i click 'share' it redirects me to the screen to upload it again.
If you could help me out a bit that would be awesome.
if i already have a texture for my beat can i use that to put on World of Minecraft?
It seems people are having problems installing these textures so i will make a video showing the process.
hope it helps.
your the best
any chance of a tut on how to do this ourselves?
how do i put this on World of Minecraft realms?
Can this be converted to Classic?
Nice Painterly2 pack, I have it on my realm :)
how do you install a skin for yourself on World of Minecraft for minecraft classic?
nice :D
Here's another Painterly texture pack, can you convert it?

very nice
when i try to open minecraft.jar i cant open it.
so i go to open with and i realise i dont have winrar or 7zip
are they downloadable and if they are are they safe.
Silly goose, of course they're downloadable. They are also safe. I personally like 7-zip better, much easier in my opinion and you can download it from
Just download the .exe and run it, and there ya have it.
Someone should create a Beta to Classic converter. Just thinking. :P
thanks for the help
hey just wanted to say these texture packs rock.
i would be happy if u made a texture with clear glass cos im tired of all these patterns on the windows and also make it realistic.
i would be happy if u made a texture with clear glass cos im tired of all these patterns on the windows and also make it realistic.
sorry about that
WoM Coins: 2
Good job.